报告主题:Dual-Hop AF Relaying Communication Systems over Mixed Generalized Fading Channels
主讲人简介:P. Takis Mathiopoulos received the Ph.D. degree in digital communications from the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, in 1989. From 1982 to 1986, he was with Raytheon Canada Ltd., working in the areas of air navigational and satellite communications. In 1989, he joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada, as an Assistant Professor until 2003. He was the Director (2000 - 2004) and the Director of Research of the Institute for Space Applications and Remote Sensing (ISARS), National Observatory of Athens (NOA). Since 2014, he is Professor at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. He also held visiting faculty long term honorary academic appointments as Guest Professor at South West Jiao Tong University (SWJTU), Chengdu, China, and Guest (Global) Professor at Keio University, Tokyo, Japan. His research area is within the wireless terrestrial and satellite communication systems and network as well as in remote sensing, LiDAR systems. He has published 140 journal papers, 1 book, 5 book chapters, and more than 140 conference papers. He has been or currently serves on the editorial board of several archival journals, including IET Communications, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Remote Sensing Journal, and as Specialty Chief Editor for the Arial and Space Network Journal of Frontiers. He has served as a Greek Representative to high-level committees in the European Commission and the European Space Agency. He has been awarded an Advanced Systems Institute (ASI) Fellowship as well as a Killam Research Fellowship. He is also the co-recipient of two best conference paper awards and has received by the IEEE Communication Society the Satellite and Space Communication Technical Committee “2017 Distinguished Service Award” for outstanding contributions in the field of Satellite and Space Communications.