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How To Do The Daily Maintenance And Inspection Of The Packaging Machine?

Mar 07, 2022

In the intelligent packaging machine industry, many parts are high-tech, and they need to be carefully maintained during use. Special attention should be paid to the use of packaging machine instruments. Mechanical instrument debugging personnel must go through the manufacturer before debugging the packaging machine. Strict training, must be able to master the various functions of the instrument, task sequence operation mode task form, frequent troubleshooting and disposal. When using the packaging machine, you should also pay special attention to some details, always pay attention to daily maintenance and cleanliness, check whether the circuit is loose, and ensure that the circuit gas path is dredged. The transmission and moving parts must be inspected, tightened, refueled and protected within a week of use for newly installed machinery, and must be maintained on a monthly basis in the future.

Daily maintenance of packaging machine

Basic maintenance of the packaging machine is usually required:

1. Check the screws of all parts on time to avoid loosening;

2 Pay attention to the waterproof, moisture-proof, anti-corrosion and rat-proof of the electrical parts. The inside of the electric control box and the terminals should be kept clean to prevent electrical failures;

3 When the packaging machine is stopped, the two heat-sealing rollers should be in an open position to prevent the packaging materials from being scalded;

4. Lubricate the meshing parts of the gears of the packaging machine, the oil filling holes of the bearing with seats and the moving parts of the packaging machine on time.

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